Catholic Apostolate Center Resources

Webinar: Marriage Accompaniment - Why is post marriage couple formation important?

Episode Summary

The first in a 3 part series of webinars by Dr. Steven Serafin discussing his work in continuing marriage ministry. In his studies and work, he has learned of the importance of ministry and supporting couples post marriage preparation as a way to continue lifelong and holy marriages. Please join him in this presentation to discuss the reasons for this and some considerations for couples in ministry.

Episode Notes

The first in a 3 part series of webinars by Dr. Steven Serafin discussing his work in continuing marriage ministry. In his studies and work, he has learned of the importance of ministry and supporting couples post marriage preparation as a way to continue lifelong and holy marriages. Please join him in this presentation to discuss the reasons for this and some considerations for couples in ministry.

Dr. Steven Serafin is currently the Pastoral Associate of St. Bartholomew’s in Scotch Plains, NJ, where he leads an initiative called the Emmaus Coalition of Life Long Formation. He is the creator of Endure: Marriage Enrichment Initiative through Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries. He graduated from Catholic University with a Doctor in Ministry in 2022, he has received a M.A in Theology with a focus in Evangelization and Catechesis from The University of Notre Dame’s Echo program and a B.A from Catholic University with a minor in Finance and Management. He has served in a number of ministerial positions: Associate Director for Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Newark, Director of Faith Formation, Campus Minister, and Teacher. His treatise focused on Accompanying the Next Generation of Newlyweds: A Parish Model for Perfecting the Love of Marriage Through a Peer Collaborative Dialogue.