Catholic Apostolate Center Resources

Son Rise Morning Show 05/08/2024: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Mary, Queen of Apostles - Model of Christian Life, Intercessor, Mother, Queen

Episode Summary

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Queen of Apostles. The focus is on her as model of Christian life, as intercessor, mother, and queen. They also talk about the feast day itself (Saturday before Pentecost).

Episode Notes

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.  discusses the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Queen of Apostles. The focus is on her as model of Christian life, as intercessor, mother, and queen. They also talk about the feast day itself (Saturday before Pentecost).

"The perfect example of this type of spiritual and apostolic life is the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles, who while leading the life common to all here on earth, one filled with family concerns and labors, was always intimately united with her Son and in an entirely unique way cooperated in the work of the Savior. Having now been assumed into heaven, with her maternal charity she cares for these brothers of her Son who are still on their earthly pilgrimage and remain involved in dangers and difficulties until they are led into the happy fatherland. All should devoutly venerate her and commend their life and apostolate to her maternal care."

(Apostolicam Actuositatem, Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, 4)

Pentecost always occurs 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus and 10 days after his ascension into heaven. Because Easter is a moveable feast without a fixed date, and Pentecost depends on the timing of Easter, Pentecost can fall anywhere between May 10 and June 13.

The timing of these feasts is also where Catholics get the concept of the novena — nine days of prayer — because in Acts 1, Mary and the Apostles prayed together “continuously” for nine days after the Ascension leading up to Pentecost. Traditionally, the Church prays the novena to the Holy Spirit in the days before Pentecost.

The name of the day itself is derived from the Greek word “pentecoste,” meaning 50th.


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