Catholic Apostolate Center Resources

Blogcast: St. Andrew: What We Can Learn From The "Hidden Apostle" In Evangelization

Episode Summary

This blogcast explores “St. Andrew: What We Can Learn From The "Hidden Apostle" In Evangelization" written by Danielle Schmitz and read by Meghan Abando.

Episode Notes

This blogcast explores “St. Andrew: What We Can Learn From The "Hidden Apostle" In Evangelization" written by Danielle Schmitz and read by Meghan Abando.

In this blog post, Danielle shares about the model of St. Andrew and how he brought St. Peter to Jesus. We are called to bring others to Jesus so that they can fulfill the mission God has in mind for them.


As we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Andrew the Apostle, I am always reminded of the hidden nature of St. Andrew’s ministry. As seen in the passage from the Gospel of St. John above, Andrew is one of the first two apostles called by Jesus. Yet, we see very little of the rest of St. Andrew’s specific ministry as an apostle outside of his crucial role in bringing St. Peter, his brother, to Christ. This action taken by St. Andrew – his ‘yes’ to Jesus’ mission – was crucial to the conversion of the rock of our Church, and requires greater reflection to see how just like St. Andrew, we are called to a hidden, simple, and apostolic life that leads to the raising up the next leaders of the Church.


Like all things in the Christian life, St. Andrew’s life changed when he met Jesus and was called to follow Him. Earlier in the first chapter of John, St. Andrew leaves behind everything to follow Jesus, recognizing Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Similarly, we in living the Christian life have all experienced that moment when we heard Jesus calling us into relationship and adventure with Him, and responded enthusiastically to that call, leaving behind the ways of the world to follow Christ. After being called, we see that St. Andrew helped to bring other people to Christ – he didn’t want to keep the good news that he had found to himself. Not only did St. Andrew want to bring his brother Peter to Jesus, but he recognized that Peter had a mission in the Church as well, and he rejoiced in what God wanted to do with the life and talents of his brother.


In stepping out in the apostolic life, the first step in evangelization is to go out and share the good news with those we encounter. However, the second, and I believe more important step, is to recognize gifts in others that can help to build up the kingdom, and calling those people to use their gifts for God’s will. This kind of evangelization is very hidden – no one knows the people who helped to build up the great saints of the Church – and yet this ministry is so crucial. Evangelizing and accompanying, as St. Andrew exemplifies, allows us to rejoice in God’s movement in the world, and allows others to fulfill the fullness of their personal vocation. Who in your life has been given gifts that can be used to build up the kingdom on earth? Take a step of boldness and guide them towards the Lord so that their gifts can be used for the greater glory of God. With the intercession of St. Andrew, let us pray that the Lord will give us the grace to live out the last line of the Litany of Humility fully: “That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should, Jesus grant me the grace to desire it.” St. Andrew, the hidden apostle, pray for us!



Danielle Schmitz is a Communications Associate for the Catholic Apostolate Center, where she assists in the updating and creation of social media content for new and ongoing projects at the Center.


Danielle is a student at the Catholic University of America studying Marketing and Theology. Originally from San Jose, California, Danielle is currently studying abroad in Gaming, Austria with Franciscan University of Steubenville.


St. Andrew:

St. Andrew was one of the Twelve Apostles and brother to St. Peter. Born in the village of Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee, Andrew was one of the first disciples of Jesus. Per Christian tradition, he went on to preach the Gospel in the region that is now Greece and Turkey. He was martyred by crucifixion in Patras; it is believed that he requested that his cross be made in the shape of an X because he thought he was unworthy to be killed on the same style of cross that Jesus had died upon. Andrew is the patron saint of fishermen because of his shared profession with his brother. Pope Benedict XVI called Andrew the “Apostle of the Greek world” and called on imagery of brotherhood between Peter and Andrew and Western and Eastern Churches.